Friday, May 27, 2011

Cleaning lady's socks

I think the title says it all. When I use to work at the center, now I work from home, the cleaning lady use to come visit me every morning when she was in. From time to time when it was not busy, I use to knit on socks or whatever project that I would have brought in with me that day.

Diana aka "cleaning lady" has tormented me for the past 2 years to get me to knit her some socks. I decided that after 2 years of asking me for a pair..........why not, she deserved

Now, this is an original pattern that I will not post on this blog as of yet, due to I want to get it copyrighted first, however, the method that I used to knit these socks were with the magic loop. I have never knitted a pair of socks as fast as these ones before, usually it would take me about 1 week for one sock. These socks took me approximately 8 days to make both socks, so I have cut my production time in half. There were new methods that I have applied to these socks that I have never used before and, I have to admit, they turned out very well.

Diana, you are one lucky cleaning lady, beware, others might get jealous.

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