Wednesday, November 9, 2011

White n Rose Baby Blanket

My mom gave me the challenge to make a baby blanket for someone at her work. I said sure why not, been a while since I had made one. I asked her what colors that she thought that this girl would like for her blanket, she said " soft white and a soft rose". I thought it would make a nice arrangement to have the soft rose on the inside and the soft tinseled white on the outside, it'll make the rose pop out more.

It was a brilliant idea, the rose did pop out way more due to the type of white yarn I used on the exterior, it had a tinsel intertwined with it. Made it look kind of like snow flake yarn in a way, gave it a nice sheen to it.

A blanket like this takes me at least a good week to make, that is if I don't have any other little side projects on the side, like always having a pair of socks on the go......what....I can't help myself.


Josette said...

Really like the blanket so cute!!

Josette said...

Really love the blanket so cute!!